My Journey

Kristina Gauthier is a certified spiritual health and life coach. She thrives on creating a safe space where her clients can lean into their power and unlock their magic and medicine. Kristina guides her clients to heal their trauma and reconnect with their inner child, all while encouraging them to unapologetically speak their truth. She views her clients as family and, therefore, treats their healing journey as hers. Kristina is an intergenerational cycle breaker. Breaking free from a lifestyle that unfortunately took the lives of both her late mother and sister.  As a cycle breaker, Kristina’s mission is to dive deep into the origins of her and her family's behaviours and root out unhealthy patterns. Cycle-breaking involves both deep introspective work and intentional behavioural change.

Despite facing tough challenges in life, Kristina has consciously decided to work on herself and become the best version. As a result, she is using her journey to empower others to lean in, break toxic cycles and do the healing work. Kristina emphasizes the transformative power of self-love and encourages you to break free from the negativity and self-doubt that society imposes. She reminds you that you can achieve greatness and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, especially by yourself.

Trained by The Health Coach Institute in 2021, Kristina has also attended three masterminds and personal 1:1 coaching; she has over ten years of experience working with top psychologists and yoga retreats and is currently enrolled in two other masterminds beginning in 2024. In 2023, Kristina decided to add Kundalini teacher training to her tool belt. Knowing how powerful Kundalini yoga’s impact is, she wanted to incorporate the same magic into her coaching practice and offer Kundalini to her clients. “Practice what you preach, embody what you teach” is her mantra. Knowing that a great coach embodies the tools before teaching them to their clients. Kristina believes the best coaches are always willing to heal, learn, and grow, knowing you can only take your clients as far as you’re willing to take yourself.